
German Shepherd Puppy Ears Stages: The Complete Guide for Owners

German shepherd puppies have very distinct features that make them easily recognizable. One of these features is their large, erect ears that are a result of the breed’s long history and high-quality breeding which can be folded back to help cool them in hot weather.

German shepherd ears are commonly mistaken for wolf ears because they are so similar in shape. However, the two are not related at all. In fact, German shepherds were bred to be companions to humans and were specifically bred to hunt wolves.

The ears of german shepherd puppies can vary in size, but the average size is about 1-2 inches long and 1-2 inches wide. They also have a very distinctive appearance because of their unique facial features such as: a long muzzle, large nose, round eyes, and black nose pads that cover the bridge of their noses when they bark or snort.

German Shepherd Puppy Ear Development Stages

German shepherds puppies have pointy ears that are quite unique and different from other breeds. This is because the pointy ears are a result of the breed’s natural selection and not just a random mutation. The shape of their ears changes as they age, starting off small, then gradually getting bigger with age. The shape changes in order to help them hear better in their environment.

The German shepherd has been around since the 1800s and this breed has been bred for many different purposes such as herding, guarding, and hunting, and today they’re commonly used for law enforcement purposes…

German shepherd’s pointy ears are an indication of their hunting instincts. It is found in the first stages of development in german shepherd puppies. The pointy ears can be seen as a sign of their intelligence and the ability to listen to their owners.

This is because they are able to hear low-frequency sounds that other dogs cannot hear. They also use this ability to hunt prey and other animals with the help of their owner.

How To Properly Care For Your German Shepherd Puppy’s Ears.

If you’re an owner of a german shepherd or are actively looking to purchase one, you should know that a german shepherd’s ears are sensitive to changes in temperature.

Regular cleaning and inspection of your german shepherd puppy’s ear is a must for the health of the dog’s ears. There are a lot of ways to do it, some people believe that dogs’ ears should be cleaned with a mild soap and water solution, while others use a special ear cleaner.

Ear Cleaning Tips for Your German Shepherd Puppy

German Shepherds are well known for their incredible ability to thrive in different environments and climates. However, they can still get sick, one of the most common health problems that your german shepherd puppy may experience is an ear infection or infection from other areas of the body. This is why it is important to take care of your dog’s ears and clean them regularly.

Here Are Some Tips To Start With

  • Use a cotton ball dipped in hydrogen peroxide or rubbing alcohol for a quick clean-out.
  •  Use a bulb syringe with warm water at the bottom of the ear canal to flush out wax and debris from deep within the ear canal.

How to Know If Your German Shepherd Puppy’s Ears Need Cleaning?

The first way is to use the back of a spoon to clean the ear and check if there is any wax left in the ear canal. If there is, then you need to do a more thorough cleaning by using an applicator and cotton balls or gauze pads.

Another way to determine if your German Shepherd needs more frequent ear cleaning is by listening for any unusual sounds coming from their ears such as clicking or scratching.

How Often Do You Have To Clean Your German Shepherd Puppies Ears?

Some people might think that it is not necessary to clean your dog’s ears every day. But if you think about it, dogs are constantly exposed to dirt and debris. And if they are not properly cleaned out of wax, then they will be more prone to ear infections and other health problems.

What To Do If Your German Shepherd Puppy Has An Infected Ear?

If your german shepherd puppy has an infected ear, your safest option is to take it to the vet, If you can’t take your dog in right away, you can follow these steps:

  • Clean the ear with hydrogen peroxide or alcohol.
  • Apply a topical antibiotic ointment such as Neosporin or Polysporin.
  • Place cotton balls in the ear canal.
  • Keep the head of your pet elevated and make sure he doesn’t shake his head.
  • Monitor for signs of infection.

Here are also some things you should avoid doing if your german shepherd puppy has an infected ear: 

  •  Don’t put anything else on the infected area as it may cause more problems.
  •  Don’t let your dog lick at its own ear to try and clean it. It might make the problem worse.

German Shepherd Puppies Natural Ear Development Stages:

  • Gestation — This is the first stage where the ears start to form, but they are not fully developed yet. They will keep growing as the puppy grows.
  • Ear formation — This is when the ears start to take shape and are about 2 inches long. The ears will keep growing until they reach their final length at maturity, which is around 10 inches long.
  •  Maturation — At this point, the ear has reached its final size and it’s time for trimming or shaving down so that your dog can have a neat.

The Importance of Keeping German Shepherd Puppies Ears Clean

German Shepherds puppies are known for having long, silky hair that covers their ears and faces. It is important to keep these areas free of debris and dirt as it can cause health issues if not cleaned properly.

German Shepherd puppies require a lot of care and attention. They need to be taken out for walks, given playtime and even given baths. But one thing that is often overlooked is their ears.

Keeping your German shepherd’s puppy ear clean is also an important way to prevent infection from bacteria and parasites that might be living in the ear canal. it will also help them avoid the build-up of bacteria, and fungi, as well as other problems like bleeding or irritation.

So as obvious as it is, raising a german shepherd puppy requires tons of effort & commitment. If you don’t take your dog’s hygiene & health and safety seriously, then there are a few risks that are associated with it.

Should You Post or Tape Your German Shepherd Puppy’s Ears?

The decision to tape or not to tape your German Shepherd’s puppy’s ears is a personal one. Some people say that it is cruel and unnecessary, while others believe that it will help prevent ear infections.

A lot of people are wondering if they should tape their dog’s ears to prevent them from getting hurt. In this article, we will discuss the pros and cons of taping your dog’s ears and give you some insight into what you should do if you decide to go ahead.

Why Do People Tape Their German Shepherd Puppies’ Ears In The First Place?

There is a popular claim that less erect or shorter ears can help prevent dog injuries if they got into a fight, plus, it dramatically reduces the odds of getting an ear infection, 


  • It is a one-time cost that doesn’t require any ongoing expenses.
  • You can easily do it at home without any professional help.
  • Taping your dog’s ears is a good way to avoid hearing damage or ear infections.


  • There is a risk that the tape will cause irritation or damage to your pet’s ears or skin, which could lead to infection or other problems in the future.

German Shepherd Puppies Floppy Ears

German shepherd puppy ears are frequently described as floppy because their ears are set low on their head and can be pushed back by their head or forepaws when they are relaxed. The ears may or may not droop when the dog is alert. It is not unusual for a German shepherd puppy to have a single ear that is more flattened than the other.

Floppy ears are a common issue that most German Shepherd puppies experience. It is caused by the fact that their ears hang down and they have no cartilage in their ears, which means that they can’t stand up. There are many causes of this condition, but it mostly affects young dogs with long floppy ears. The causes include an infection or trauma to the ear canal as well as having an ear fold on top of the ear canal.

The most common treatment for this condition is surgery to remove excess skin from the inside of the ear;


German Shepherds puppies’ ears are very sensitive. They can get dirty very easily, this is especially true when they play outside in the dirt and dust on a regular basis, which can cause a lot of problems for the dog.

 You should be aware of what you can do to help keep your dog’s ears healthy and clean. There are many ways in which you can help keep your dog’s ears healthy and clean, so it is important that you find out what works best for your pet.

Some things that you could do to help keep your dog’s ears clean include:

  • Bathe your dog regularly to avoid buildup and bacteria
  • Clean his ears by using cotton swabs and warm water

What do you think?

Written by Jack

Jack is the founder of Germanshepherdsfamily, a german shepherds specific website where you'll find everything you need to know if you are a true lover of the German Shepherd breed!


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