

One of the most popular breeds in the world is the German Shepherd Dog. According to the American Kennel Club, it is the second most well-liked dog breed in the United States, and for a good reason. They’re loyal, intelligent, protective, and trainable.

But did you know that there are two different types of German Shepherds? Working line and show line German Shepherds have some distinct differences, and it’s important to know which type is right for you before you bring one home. Here’s everything you need to know about the show line and working line German Shepherds.

When did the German Shepherd Lines Begin?

German Shepherds are a relatively new breed of dog, with their lines beginning in the late 19th century. German Shepherd lines began to be developed in earnest in the 1880s, with the aim of creating a dog that could be used for herding and guarding sheep. German Shepherds quickly became popular working dogs, and their popularity as companion animals has grown steadily since the early 20th century.

The working lines of GSDs are those that were developed for the specific purpose of working in various environments, such as farm work and herding. These dogs are less focused on appearance and more on functionality. On the other hand, show lines are those that were developed for the purpose of being shown in dog shows. These dogs generally receive better training and care, as compared to working lines, and are more focused on aesthetics.

How did the German Shepherd Lines Evolve?

The German Shepherd is a breed of dog that originated in Germany. The breed was developed in the late 19th century by Captain Max von Stephanitz, who wanted to create a working dog that could be used for herding and guarding.

From there, the breed began to develop through two main groups: working lines and show lines. The working lines were developed by farmers and ranchers who saw the dogs’ herding abilities as a form of livestock protection. They wanted a dog that was easy to manage but also had exceptional herding abilities.

The show lines, on the other hand, were developed to exhibit the beautiful attributes of the breed in a controlled environment. These lines led to the development of the breed we know today.

Today, the German Shepherd is one of the most popular breeds of dog in the world. German shepherds come in a variety of colors and markings, and there are several different lines or bloodlines that have been developed over the years. The most popular German shepherd lines include the West German show line, the East German working line, and the American show line.

Types of German Shepherds

Today, the German Shepherd is one of the most popular breeds of dog in the world. German Shepherd Dog, or GSD, is a breed of large companion dog known for its intelligence, agility, and reliability. Working and Show Line German Shepherds are the two most common types of German Shepherd Dogs.

  • Working Line German Shepherd: 

The Working Line German Shepherd is a versatile working dog that is suitable for a variety of tasks. They are intelligent, obedient, and have a strong work ethic. These dogs are loyal and protective of their family and home. Their quick, agile bodies make them great for hunting, tracking and guarding. They are also good with children and other pets.

  • Show Line German Shepherd: 

The Show Line German Shepherd is a breed of dog that is known for its loyalty and obedience. These dogs are intelligent and easy to train, making them ideal for families with children. Show Line German Shepherds are also known for their protective nature and will guard their family and home from intruders.

German shepherds come in a variety of colors and markings, and there are several different lines or bloodlines that have been developed over the years.

The most popular lines of German Shepherds include:

  • West German Working Line German Shepherds.
  • East German DDR Working Line German Shepherds.
  • Czech Working Lines German Shepherds.
  • American Show Line German Shepherds.
  • European Show Line German Shepherds.

West-German Working Line German Shepherds

The West German working line was created in the early 20th century by breeding the smaller GSDs together. The main goal behind this breeding was to create a better working dog. They are bred for their strong work ethic, and they are known for being loyal and obedient.

These dogs excel at the job of herding and flock protection. They are also excellent at working with children and can be great therapy dogs. These dogs have thick, straight fur and powerful jaws. They stand between 28 to 31 centimeters tall and weigh between 36 to 46 kilograms. Their coat comes in a variety of colors including black, dark red, fawn, and light red.

East German DDR Working Line German Shepherds

German Shepherds from the East German DDR Working Line are some of the best in the world. GSD East German Line is incredibly intelligent, loyal, and trainable dogs that make great family pets. They are also protective of their families and make excellent guard dogs. If you are looking for a German Shepherd that is of the highest quality, then you should definitely consider one from the East German DDR Working Line.

Czech Working Lines German Shepherds

Czech Working Lines German Shepherds are a type of German Shepherd that is bred for working purposes. They are typically more athletic and have higher energy levels than other types of German Shepherds. Czech Working Lines German Shepherds are also known for being very intelligent and trainable.

American Show Line German Shepherds

The American Show Line German Shepherd is a type of German Shepherd that is bred in the United States. These dogs are typically bred for show purposes and are not considered to be working dogs. The American Show Line German Shepherd is a large breed of dog that is intelligent and loyal.

European Show Line German Shepherds

European Show Line German Shepherds are intelligent, regal, elegant, and versatile, making them great companions for active families. They’re also loyal and protective, so you can rest assured that your home and loved ones are safe with a European Show Line German Shepherd by your side.

Working vs Show Line German Shepherds: Key Differences

German Shepherd Dog – Working and Show lines are the two most common types of German Shepherd Dogs, although there are some key differences between the two lines. First, let’s get to know what a working line dog means.

What does a working line dog mean?

The Working Line German Shepherd was developed as a utility dog for work: for example, police work, search and rescue, and military work. GDS Working Line dog is also used for guarding, drug and bomb detection, and tracking. The Working breed German Shepherd dog line is highly renowned as a devoted, energetic, athletic, and intelligent breed.

Working and show lines both exhibit desirable characteristics. The two types of dogs are often confused, and some people believe that both show and working line dogs are put to work. In reality, only those animals bred specifically for herding or pulling can be considered working lines. Show lines are bred for appearance, not utility. The following are the main key differences between the two lines:

Purpose Difference

Working lines are bred for their ability to do a job, such as being a police dog or a service dog. Show lines are bred for their looks and to conform to the breed standard.

Physical Difference

There are a few physical differences between working lines and show lines of German Shepherds:


Working lines tend to be slightly longer in the body and have a more substantial bone structure. They also have a higher drive and energy level, which is why they are often used in law enforcement and military work.

Show lines, on the other hand, have a more gentle, elegant appearance. They are bred for their conformation to the breed standard and are often seen in the show ring. They tend to be more laid back and less active than their working line counterparts.


There is a big difference in grooming between working line and show line German Shepherds. Show line German Shepherds need to be bathed and brushed more often, and their nails need to be trimmed regularly. Working line German Shepherds are more low-maintenance and only need to be bathed occasionally. Their nails also don’t need to be trimmed as often.

Personality Difference

Working lines and show lines of German Shepherds have different personalities. Working lines are playful, lively, vivacious, alert, and have a strong work ethic. Show lines, however, are more calm, soft, and less tense and make wonderful good pets.

Are working line German Shepherds good pets?

Working line German Shepherd Dogs are a specific type of German Shepherd Dogs used for working and law enforcement. They can be distinguished from show lines by their unique markings and physical characteristics. These working dogs are known for their athleticism, intelligence, trainability, and loyalty.

Working line German shepherds also make wonderful family pets, they are very loyal, intelligent, and protective. This dog breed is highly energetic, hence it requires a lot of exercise, mental stimulation, and socialization in order to avoid any behavioral problems. Working line German Shepherds are great life companions, just make sure all their needs are met.

How much is a working line German Shepherd?

A working line German Shepherd typically costs between $5,000 and $7,000. In general, prices can vary depending on the breeder, the dog’s lineage, and whether the dog is already trained. However, fully trained working line German Shepherds are perfect and extremely pricey, costing up to $20,000.

What is the best line of German Shepherd?

There is no clear-cut answer to this question since the temperament of each German Shepherd will affect how effective they are with certain lines. However, some German Shepherd specialists say that the East German line, which is noted for its balanced temperament and trainability, is the best line of German Shepherd. In the end, the German Shepherd line that best fits your requirements and way of life will be the greatest choice for you.


There are two types of German Shepherd lines – the Working Line and the Show Line. The Working Line is bred for its working ability, while the Show Line is bred for its looks. Both lines have their own strengths and weaknesses, so it’s important to choose the right line for your needs. If you’re looking for a German Shepherd that will be a working dog, then the Working Line is the better choice. If you’re looking for a German Shepherd that will be a show dog, then the Show Line is the better choice.

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Written by Jack

Jack is the founder of Germanshepherdsfamily, a german shepherds specific website where you'll find everything you need to know if you are a true lover of the German Shepherd breed!

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