
German shepherd puppies biting? 20 Ways to Stop a German Shepherd Puppy From Biting

German shepherd puppies biting


German Shepherd puppies are adorable, racing around, jumping, playing, staring at you—they’re just a fluffy bundle of energy and love. However, when a German Shepherd puppy bites, it’s not so pleasant, especially when you’ve done all in your power to prevent it but they continue to bite. Therefore, we have collated a list of helpful tips to help you out. If you’re having trouble getting your German Shepherd puppy to quit biting, keep reading to find out everything you need to know about correct bite inhibition for puppies.

 Why is my German Shepherd puppy biting so much?

Has your puppy been biting more frequently than usual? Is he nipping at everything he sees? Are you continually asking yourself, “Why does my German Shepherd bite me?” Considering that German Shepherds are renowned for their devotion, aggressiveness, and herding instinct these qualities can occasionally lead them to nip excessively. This is especially true when puppies are first learning to bite.

It is important to realize that while puppy-directed biting is a typical step in developing mouth control, excessive nipping and chewing can cause issues. If your puppy is experiencing this, don’t be concerned; it’s a perfectly natural behavior and it will go away. Although there are a variety of potential reasons for your puppy’s nips and bites, one of the main ones is that they are playing out their natural instincts to hunt and catch prey.

German Shepherds are also known as ” Land Shark” and were bred to be herding dogs, with their strong prey drive, they naturally have an urge to chase anything that moves. Animals, children, hands, fingers, or just about anything else could be involved in this. Here is a list of some additional prevalent reasons:

  • Neonatal frustration (new puppies nipping) is the first sign of separation anxiety, but it can be difficult to recognize and may only become apparent after the fact.
  • Teething
  • Traveling (moving house)
  • Mobility (puppies exploring their environment)
  • Surgery (your dog recovering from surgery)
  • Separation anxiety (your dog is missing you)

To help prevent your puppy from biting, it is essential that you provide them with a safe place to learn where they are allowed to chew. Chew toys, bones, and bully sticks are excellent ways to keep your puppy occupied while giving them something to chew on. If your puppy does bite or nip, it is important to immediately distract them with a tasty treat reward and praise them for chewing safely.

If your puppy continues to nip and chew excessively, it may be a sign that something else is going on. Excessive nipping and chewing can also be a symptom of an underlying problem such as boredom, or perhaps a medical condition. So if you are concerned about their unwanted behavior don’t hesitate to take your puppy to the veterinarian to rule out any underlying medical issues.

 Is it normal for German Shepherd puppies to bite?

sleppy puppy

As part of their development, all German Shepherd puppies go through the puppy biting phase which is totally normal behavior. Puppies do bite while they are teething, but they also bite when they are playing. At around 9 weeks old, after the puppy has had time to adjust to its new home, biting usually begins in earnest.

By the time your puppy is seven months old and has his entire adult set of teeth, most cases of puppy biting will have ended. Thus, it is very natural for your adorable puppy to bite throughout the biting phase; the key is to understand why this happens so you can effectively train your dog using proper training techniques. 

At what age do German Shepherd puppies stop biting?


When it comes to puppies, it’s easy to see why they are one of the most popular breeds in the world. German Shepherds are alluring, from their big, expressive eyes to their thick, plush fur. However, the pleasant appearance of these canines conceals a reputation for resistance and a tendency to nip at humans and other animals.

A puppy will naturally grow out of its biting phase as it gets older. What Age Does the Biting in German Shepherd Puppies Stop? is a question you may have. Once their teething period is through, the majority of puppies will stop biting and nipping. 

A German Shepherd normally needs 7 to 8 months to complete this. However, this does not imply that you should never train your dog again. Given that your dog will continue to grow as an adult dog, puppy training should always be an option.

20 Ways to Stop a German Shepherd Puppy From Biting

puppy bite

Throughout your German Shepherd Puppy’s biting phase, which is a common and totally natural puppy behavior, you’ll frequently have the phrase “My puppy won’t stop biting me and I’ve tried everything” clouding your mind.

In actuality, all dogs experience their biting phase when their baby teeth begin to grow into adult teeth. Some puppies nip and mouth everyone and everything on a regular basis. The following 20 ways can assist you in stopping your German Shepherd puppy from biting and clearing your mind of the continual worries and frustration:

1. Baby talk

Talking to your puppy in a baby tone of voice may be enough to pacify them. However, this will not work if they are truly aggressive. As a last resort, you can try using crate confinement to teach your puppy that bad things happen when they bite.

2. Leash correction

If your puppy continually bites you or another family member, leash correction may help discourage them from doing so. Always use a gentle method, like a pinch or shake, to prevent injuring your dog. If you think this physical punishment is too harsh, consider enrolling in an obedience training class.

3. Limit your puppy’s access to toys

If your puppy is biting because they are bored, limiting the types of toys you have around can help. It may also be a good idea to purchase a few interactive toys so your puppy has things to do when it is not playing with you.

4. Separate your puppy from the group

If your puppy bites everyone, separating them from the group will hopefully stop them from biting people. This may mean keeping them in a crate when guests come over or bringing out one of their toys to play with instead of someone.

5. Supervise your puppy more closely

German Shepherds tend to be very active and love to chew. If you let them play with toys while you are watching, they may think they can chew without getting caught. Make sure you are always supervising your dog when they are not under your direct supervision. Eye contact is very powerful to make your dog obey you. 

6. Use positive reinforcement

If your puppy bites you or another family member, you can use positive reinforcement to teach them that biting is not acceptable behavior. You can also use this same method to teach them commands like sit and stay.

7. Be sure to potty your puppy regularly

Puppies need to go outside to eliminate, so it is important to make sure they have access to a bathroom area even if they are not being destructive.

8. Make sure your puppy has adequate nutrition

If your puppy is not eating well or is not growing at the expected rate, they may chew as a way to get their fix of food. Giving them healthy dry dog food, vitamins, and/or supplements can help prevent this behavior.

9. Socialize your puppy

Puppies need to interact with other puppies and socialize with humans in order to prevent biting. This can be done through obedience classes, a dog-training class, or even just playing a fun game with other puppies or people in your neighborhood.

10. Use a muzzle when necessary

If your puppy is chewing on things that could be harmful, such as electrical cords, you may need to use a muzzle. This will prevent your puppy from biting down and possibly suffocating.

11. Take a break

Sometimes all you need is a break from your dog. Give them a few days or even a week to chew without making a big deal out of it. This can help them learn that what they were doing isn’t really a big deal and they can go back to chewing whatever is around!

12. Consider whether your puppy is part of the problem

If your dog was abused or neglected as a puppy, this can result in a need to chew. The most common reason for a chewer to chew is due to lack of attention and/or comfort from the family. It is important to pay attention to what your dog needs and provide it to them. This could mean more walks, more play time, feeding at different times, etc.

If you notice your dog chewing things excessively, take it upon yourself to stop the undesirable behavior and distract your dog with a toy or treat. Never hit or physically discipline your dog. Dogs learn by watching what you do and if you start hitting, it can cause more issues.

13. Get to the root of the problem

If your dog is chewing for attention, then you need to change the way you interact with them. Try walking, running, or playing fetch instead of interacting with them while they chew. This way, they will learn that these activities are more enjoyable and satisfying.

14. Consider getting a chew deterrent

If you have noticed your dog chewing on things and you are not sure why consider getting a chew deterrent. There are chew toys that can help prevent this behavior as well as treats that taste bad. Placing some of these in their Kong or Nylabone toy can help keep them occupied and prevent them from chewing on other things.

15. Consider a behavior modification approach

Dog training is not just for humans! You can train your dog in a variety of ways, from old school and reward based to clicker training and more. If you don’t know what method is best for your dog, consult a professional trainer.

16. Consider medication

If a chew deterrent doesn’t seem to be working or if your dog is still chewing, then it may be time to consider medication. There are many medications available that can help control this behavior without causing side effects. Talk to your vet and/or behaviorist to see what they have to offer.

17. Consider changing your home

A change in the environment could help stop your dog from chewing. For example, if you have a section of your house that seems to be where your dog chews the most, then placing something like a throw rug there may help change the activity.

18. Consider using a chew toy to redirect

While some dogs are more motivated by food, many are not. If this is the case, consider using a chew toy as a way to redirect their chewing. Give them one toy to chew on and another to keep in their crate or somewhere they cannot get to it. This could save your expensive furniture!

19. Consider the pup pro-actively

Are you tired of having to pick up your dog’s chewed-up toys and shoes? Take a step back and consider if there is something they are doing that you aren’t allowing. Is your dog chewing on a specific spot because you haven’t taken them for a walk in a while? Are they chewing when they are scared? If so, consider giving them a chew toy and putting it somewhere they cannot get to it (like under their bed) when they do this.

20. Reward the good behavior

Once your dog seems to have calmed down with their chewing, take the time to recognize their good calm behaviors. Reward this by playing with them or giving them a special treat such as delicious food rewards. 


If you’re thinking about getting a German shepherd puppy, be prepared for lots of biting! German shepherd puppies are notorious for their biting habits, and they can be quite relentless. However, with a little patience and some positive reinforcement training, you can teach your puppy not to bite.

Just remember to be consistent with your training sessions and don’t give up! By taking the actions outlined above, you may train your German Shepherd puppy to quit biting and develop into a well-mannered dog. If you are an amateur dog trainer, consider hiring a professional dog trainer or a behavior professional to ensure that your adorable puppy is trained properly.

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Written by Jack

Jack is the founder of Germanshepherdsfamily, a german shepherds specific website where you'll find everything you need to know if you are a true lover of the German Shepherd breed!

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