
Are German Shepherds Friendly with Cats? Actual Answer

Are German Shepherds Good with Cats featured

The German Shepherd Dog is an amazing breed that has a very loyal and protective nature. We all know that they are fantastic with children, but just how will they deal with feline friends? 

Cats can be just as curious as puppies so if you have one then you need to know how they will interact. Will German Shepherd with cats be best buddies? Or Will the German Shepherd be afraid of cats? Whether they get on or not, here is everything you need to know.

Can German Shepherds and Cats Get Along?

Can German Shepherds and Cats Get Along

Are German Shepherds good with cats?

German Shepherds and kittens may seem like an unlikely pair, but they can get along quite well. This unusual combination has a lot of benefits. German Shepherds are excellent guard dogs, but they can also be good companions for cat owners. They’re extremely protective of their owners and homes, but they’re also very trainable. And since both species value safety and security, they can learn to live together quite peacefully.

Will a German Shepherd kill a cat?

It’s unlikely that a German Shepherd would kill a cat, but it’s possible. If the dog is feeling threatened or has a history of aggression, it may attack. Cats are typically smaller than dogs, so they may be seen as prey. It’s important to socialize your German Shepherd early on and to keep an eye on them around smaller animals.

German Shepherd Dog Personality

German Shepherd Dog has amazing Personality

The German Shepherd Dog is a loyal, protective and versatile breed. They are confident, eager to please, and quick to learn. German Shepherds are excellent family dogs and are great with children. They are also very protective of their family and home.

Are German Shepherds friendly?

Yes, German Shepherds are friendly. They are popular family dogs because they are protective and loyal. They are also intelligent and easy to train.

Are German Shepherds easy to train?

Yes, German Shepherds are easy to train and make great family pets.

Socialization of German Shepherd Dogs

Socialization is important for German Shepherd Dogs

The socialization of the German Shepherd Dogs is an important process that should start as early as possible. It is crucial to socialize your German Shepherd Dog so that they can become well-rounded and balanced adults.

German Shepherd Dogs are naturally suspicious of strangers, so it is important to expose them to as many different people, places, and experiences as possible. The socialization process should be gradual and positive, with plenty of rewards and praise. This will make a German Shepherd who is compassionate and gets along with other animals, notably cats.

How to Get Your German Shepherd and Your Cat to Get Along

Your German Shepherd and Your Cat Can Get Along

If you have a German shepherd and a cat, you may be wondering how to get them to get along. The good news is that it is possible to have a harmonious home with both pets. Here are some tips on how to introduce a German Shepherd to a cat:

Crate the cat

If you are introducing a cat to a German shepherd dog for the first time, it is best to do so gradually. 

  • Start by placing the cat in a crate or carrier and letting the dog sniff it from a distance. 
  • Then, allow the dog to approach the cat and sniff it up close. 
  • Finally, let the two animals interact under supervision.

Distract the dog to make your German Shepherd and cat get along

Dogs are naturally curious creatures, so keeping their attention focused on something else will help to prevent any negative interactions between the two animals. Try playing with the dog yourself, or giving them a chew toy to keep them occupied.

Block the dog

If you have a German Shepherd and a cat that doesn’t seem to get along, one way to help them get along better is to block the dog’s access to the cat. This means keeping the dog in another room or a crate when the cat is around. You can also try using a baby gate to keep the dog away from the cat.

Reinforce ignore

If you want your German Shepherd and cat to get along, you need to reinforce ignore. This means that you should ignore the bad behavior and praise the good behavior. For example, if your German Shepherd is barking at the cat, you should ignore the barking and praise the dog when it is quiet.

Increase access

If you’re looking to increase access and make your German Shepherd and cat get along, there are a few things you can do. 

  • First, try to keep them both on the same level by feeding them in the same room or area. 
  • Secondly, give each pet their own space to sleep and relax. 
  • Finally, provide plenty of toys and playtime for both pets to enjoy. 

With a little patience and effort, you should be able to create a harmonious home for your furry friends.

Educate the dog on the “down-stay,” introduce the cat, and use the “down-stay”

German Shepherds and cats can get along if they are properly introduced and educated on how to behave around each other. The “down-stay” is a good way to start, as it will help the dog learn to stay calm and not get too excited around the cat.

Once the dog has learned the down-stay, you can then introduce the cat and let them get to know each other slowly. With patience and proper training, your German Shepherd and cat can be the best of friends.

Release the cat

To make your German Shepherd and cat get along, you should release the Cat. This will allow them to bond and become friends. Once they are friends, they will be much more likely to get along and be happy together.

Correct dog’s behavior

Dogs can be naturally territorial, so you’ll need to train your German Shepherd to accept the cat as a member of the family. 

  • Start by teaching your dog basic obedience commands, such as sit, stay, and come. 
  • Then, work on socialization skills by exposing your dog to different types of people and animals. 
  • Finally, give your dog and cat plenty of time to get to know each other.

With patience and training, your German Shepherd and cat will be best friends in no time.

Brush up on obedience

The key is obedience. By teaching your German Shepherd to obey your commands, you can help them learn to respect your cat’s space and avoid any potential conflict.

Know the commands

Luckily, there are a few commands that can help your Shepherd dog and cat get along. 

  • First, you’ll want to teach your German Shepherd the “leave it” command. This will come in handy if the dog tries to chase the cat. 
  • You’ll also want to teach your German Shepherd the “down” command. This will help keep the dog from getting too excited and overwhelming the cat. 
  • Finally, you’ll want to make sure that your cat has a safe place to hide if she needs to. This could be a cat tree or a room that the dog is not allowed in. 

Game time

If you’re looking for a way to get your German Shepherd and cat to get along, why not try playing some games together? It’s a great way to bond with your pets and have some fun at the same time. Try playing fetch with your dog, or see if your cat will chase a toy around. You may be surprised at how well they get along when they’re playing together.

Incentive rewards

A great way to make your German Shepherd and cat get along famously is by providing positive reinforcement when they behave well around each other, you can encourage them to continue being friends. 

Try giving your cat a treat whenever your dog is calm and relaxed around her or offering your dog a special toy when he is gentle with your cat. 

Get out of there

German Shepherds are bred to be herding dogs, and their instinct is to chase and herd cats. However, with patience and training, you can teach your German Shepherd to respect your cat’s space and leave them alone. 

By getting out of their way, your two lovely companions will have much time to understand each other and bond. 

Factors that Affect Socialization

There are several factors that can affect socialization, including genetics, early experiences, and social environment. German Shepherds, for example, are bred as working dogs and may not have the same friendly disposition towards cats as other breeds. 

Socialization is an important part of a dog’s development, and owners should be aware of the factors that can influence it. Here are some key factors that affect your feline buddies’ socialization.


Age can affect the socialization between cats and German Shepherds. For example, a younger cat may be more likely to get along with a german shepherd than an older cat.

Prey Drive

If a German shepherd is not properly socialized with cats, they may view them as prey and attempt to chase or attack them. This can be dangerous for both the cat and the dog, and it is important to make sure that your German shepherd is properly socialized with cats before bringing them into your home.


One of the most important things to consider when socializing cats and German Shepherds is temperament. 

The German Shepherd is a very active, outgoing breed, while cats are typically more independent and reserved. It’s important to make sure that the German Shepherd is well-socialized before introducing him to a cat, as he may be too overwhelming for her.

Conversely, a more independent cat may not appreciate the German Shepherd’s playful nature. It’s important to consider the temperaments of both animals before socializing them to ensure a positive experience for both.


While spaying and neutering can have some benefits for cats and german shepherds, it can also affect their socialization between them. This is because spaying and neutering can reduce the number of hormones that are produced, which can make the animals less interested in each other.

Potential Problems

One potential problem you may encounter if you own both a German Shepherd and a cat is that the two animals may not get along. 

German Shepherds are bred as working dogs and have a strong prey drive, which means they may see your cat as a potential target. However, this is not always the case, and many German Shepherds are friendly with cats. 

If you are concerned about your pets getting along, you can try socializing them from a young age or keeping them separated when you are not home.

Introducing a German Shepherd Puppy to a Kitten

Introducing a German Shepherd Puppy to a Kitten

When introducing a German shepherd puppy to a kitten for the first time, it is important to take things slowly. Allow the puppy to sniff the kitten and get used to its smell before letting them interact. When they are first introduced, keep a close eye on them and be ready to intervene if necessary. With patience and a little time, the two will become fast friends.

Final Thoughts

While German Shepherds can certainly be friendly with cats, it’s important to remember that they are still dogs. This means that they may not have the same instinctive understanding of how to treat a cat delicately. For this reason, it’s important to always supervise any interactions between your German Shepherd and your cat, just to be safe.

What do you think?

Written by Jack

Jack is the founder of Germanshepherdsfamily, a german shepherds specific website where you'll find everything you need to know if you are a true lover of the German Shepherd breed!

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