
The Reasons Why Your German Shepherd is So Skinny

Why is my German Shepherd so Skinny

German Shepherds are one of the most popular dog breeds in the United States. They are known for being loyal, intelligent, and protective. But, did you know that they are also one of the skinniest breeds?

In this article, we will provide you with all the answers you need if you’re wondering: why is my german shepherd so skinny?

Why is my dog getting skinny?

Why is my dog getting skinny- skinny german shepherd


German shepherds are prone to malnutrition because they are a high-energy breed that requires a lot of calories to maintain their muscle mass and activity level. 

If they don’t get enough adult food, they will start to lose weight and eventually become skinny. Additionally, malnutrition can cause health issues such as anemia, joint problems, and organ damage.

Changes in diet

German shepherds are known for being a large and muscular breed, but they can also be quite skinny, which is often due to changes in their diet.

They need a lot of protein and fat to maintain their muscular build, but if they are not getting enough of these nutrients in their diet, they can start to lose muscle mass and become skinny.

Sometimes, not getting enough exercise can make your german shepherd skinny. This can lead to a loss of weight over time.

Dental issues

There are a few reasons why dental issues make German Shepherds skinny.

First, if a dog is in pain, it may not have an appetite. Additionally, poor dental health can lead to infections and inflammation, which can lead to weight loss. Finally, certain dental problems can make it difficult for a dog to chew their food, which can also lead to weight loss.


When a dog is picky about their food, they are more likely to be skinny because they are not getting the nutrients they need.

German shepherds are especially prone to being picky eaters, which can be caused by a number of things, including a sensitive stomach, a lack of appetite, or a dislike of certain ingredients.

Whatever the reason, it’s important to make sure your picky eater is getting enough to eat and the right kind of food to keep them healthy.


There are a few reasons why diabetes can make German Shepherds skinny.

One reason is that when a dog has diabetes, its body is not able to process blood sugar levels properly, so it can lose weight even if they are eating the same amount of food.

Another reason is that diabetes can cause an increase in urination and excessive thirst, which can lead to dehydration and weight loss.

Environmental Change

In the wild, German Shepherds would burn a lot of energy running and hunting. However, most pet German Shepherds live relatively sedentary lives. They may go on the occasional walk or play fetch, but they don’t get the same amount of exercise as their wild counterparts.

Environmental change is a major reason why German Shepherds are becoming thinner. This problem can be easily remedied by giving German Shepherds a nutritious diet and plenty of exercises.

Liver disease

Liver disease is a common problem in German Shepherds, and it can make them very skinny. The liver is responsible for many important functions in the body, including breaking down food, filtering toxins, and producing bile.

When the liver is not functioning properly, it can lead to malnutrition and weight loss. Liver disease can be caused by many things, including genetics, infections, and cancer.

Treatment for liver disease will vary depending on the cause but may include medication, special diets, and surgery.


Depression is a serious mental illness that can have a profound effect on a person’s mood, thoughts, and behavior.

German shepherds are particularly susceptible to depression because of their strong emotional bond with their owners. When a German shepherd’s owner is depressed, the dog may become withdrawn and lose interest in exercise, and develop a loss of appetite which leads to weight loss.


There are a few reasons why Age may make German Shepherds skinny.

The first reason is that as they age, they may become less active and burn fewer calories. Additionally, their metabolism may slow down, making it harder for them to digest food and absorb nutrients. Finally, they may simply lose muscle mass as they age, making them appear thinner.

All of these factors can contribute to why an older German Shepherd may be skinny.


There are many possible reasons why a German Shepherd may become skinny. Cancer is one potential cause, as the disease can lead to weight loss and a decrease in appetite.

German Shepherds are also susceptible to a number of other health conditions that can cause weight loss, including gastrointestinal issues, endocrine disorders, and infections.

If your German Shepherd is suddenly skinny, it’s important to take them to the vet to rule out any potential medical causes.

Stress and anxiety

German shepherds are prone to stress and anxiety, which can lead to weight loss.

Stress and anxiety can be caused by a variety of factors, including changes in routine, lack of exercise, and Separation Anxiety. German shepherds are also highly intelligent dogs and may become anxious if they are not given enough mental stimulation.

If your dog is exhibiting signs of stress or anxiety, talk to your veterinarian about possible treatment options.

kidney infection

A kidney infection can cause a German shepherd to become skinny because the infection can lead to weight loss and a loss of appetite.

The infection can also cause dehydration, which can further contribute to weight loss. In severe cases, a kidney infection can be fatal.

Thyroid issues

There are many potential reasons why a German Shepherd might be skinny, but one possibility is that the dog has an issue with its thyroid.

The thyroid is a gland that produces hormones that help regulate metabolism, and if it isn’t functioning properly, the dog’s metabolism can slow down, leading to weight loss. In some cases, the thyroid issue may be hereditary, while in others, it may be due to an autoimmune disease or even cancer.

If you suspect that your German Shepherd’s weight loss is due to a thyroid problem, it’s important to take them to the vet for an examination and diagnosis.

Digestive problems

There are a few reasons why digestive problems might make German Shepherds skinny.

First, if they’re not digesting their food properly, they’re not getting all the nutrients they need. Second, digestive problems can lead to weight loss because the body is expending more energy trying to digest the food. Finally, some digestive problems can cause diarrhea, which can also lead to weight loss.

Addison’s disease

There are a few possible reasons why Addison’s disease may cause german shepherds to become skinny.

One reason may be that the disease prevents the body from absorbing nutrients properly. Additionally, It can cause diarrhea and vomiting, which can also cause weight loss. Finally, the disease may cause the dog to have a decreased appetite, leading to making your german shepherd skinny.

Severe heart disease

There are many reasons why severe heart disease may make German Shepherds skinny.

One reason may be that the disease causes the dog to have a reduced appetite. Additionally, the disease may cause the dog to experience increased levels of anxiety, which can lead to a decreased appetite. Furthermore, the disease may cause the dog to lose muscle mass, which can also lead to weight loss.


There are a few reasons why parasites might make German Shepherds skinny. One possibility is that the parasites are stealing nutrients from the dog, preventing it from getting the nourishment it needs. Another possibility is that the parasites are causing an infection, which can lead to weight loss. Finally, some parasites release toxins that can cause weight loss.

What Signs Indicate A German Shepherd Is Underweight?

Signs Indicate A German Shepherd Is Underweight- skinny german shepherd

Lack of Energy

There are a few different things that could be going on if your German Shepherd lacks energy.

It could be a sign that they are not getting enough calories or that they are not absorbing the nutrients from their food properly. It could also indicate an underlying health condition, such as anemia or a thyroid problem.

If your dog is normally active and suddenly becomes lethargic, it is best to consult your veterinarian to rule out any potential medical causes.

Dull, Lifeless Coat

A dull coat is often an indication that your German Shepherd is underweight.

This can be due to a number of reasons, including poor nutrition, not enough exercise, or an underlying health condition.

If you notice that your dog’s coat is looking dull, it’s important to talk to your veterinarian to find out the cause and get your dog back on track to a healthy weight.

Muscle Degeneration

If your German shepherd is losing muscle mass, it’s a sign that he’s not getting enough nutrition to support his body. This can be caused by many different things, including an underlying health condition, not getting enough exercise, or simply not eating enough calories.

If you notice your dog’s muscles beginning to deteriorate, take him to the vet to rule out any medical causes and develop a plan to help him gain weight.

Appetite Loss, Vomiting, and Diarrhea

If your German shepherd is experiencing appetite loss, vomiting, and diarrhea, it is likely due to being underweight.

These symptoms can indicate that your dog is not getting enough nutrients, and may be dehydrated. If you are concerned about your dog’s weight, please consult your veterinarian.

Ribcage Showing

Ribcage Showing is a condition that affects German Shepherds and can mean that they are underweight. It can be a serious condition and can be fatal if not treated.

There are a few different reasons why your German Shepherd might be underweight, even if they are eating a normal amount. 

It could be that they have a high metabolism and burn off calories quickly, or it could be that they are not getting enough of the right nutrients in their diet.

If you are concerned that your German Shepherd is underweight, take them to the vet to rule out any medical conditions that could be causing the weight loss.

How can I fatten up my German Shepherd?

How to fatten up your German Shepherd-skinny german shepherd

Feed him more calorically dense foods

Calorically dense foods make German shepherds fat because they contain a lot of calories in a small amount of food.

This means that your dog can easily eat too many calories and become overweight. German shepherds are especially prone to weight gain because they are a large breed of dog.

If you are feeding your German shepherd a calorically dense diet, you should be sure to monitor its weight and make sure they are not gaining too much.

Allow your German shepherd to eat when they want to

Allowing your German shepherd to eat when they want to helps them gain weight. This is because they are able to regulate their own intake based on their activity level and energy needs.

If you feed them on a set schedule, they may not be able to consume enough calories to support their needs.

Increase The Amount Of Food You Provide To Them

If you are looking to help your German shepherd gain weight, one thing you can do is increase their amounts of food.

This means giving them additional food at each meal or adding some extra snacks throughout the day in their bowl of food. Just be sure not to overfeed them, as this can lead to health problems down the road.

With a little extra appetizing food and some patience, you should see your German shepherd start to pack on the pounds in no time!

Try Puppy Food

Shepherd puppy food helps your dog gain weight because it is packed with nutrients that help them grow. It is also high in calories, which helps german shepherd puppies put on weight.

Provide more treats for them throughout the day

A German shepherd should be given extra treats throughout the day to help them gain weight. This will not only help them to put on weight but also keep their energy levels up.

Include homemade food in their meals

There are many benefits to feeding your German shepherd homemade food, especially if they are trying to gain weight.

This type of food is generally higher in calories and nutrients than commercial dog food, which can help your shepherd pack on the pounds. You can also tailor the ingredients in your shepherd’s meals to their specific nutritional needs, ensuring that they are getting everything they need to bulk up. 

Plus, cooking canine food for your pup is a great way to show them how much you love them!

Provide homemade treats for them

Homemade treats can help German Shepherds gain weight in a number of ways.

The first is by providing them with additional calories that they may not be getting from their regular diet. This can be especially helpful for puppies or older dogs that may have a hard time eating enough to maintain their weight.

Another way homemade treats can help is by adding extra nutrients to their diet that can help promote healthy growth and development. This can include things like eggs, meat, and vegetables.

Feed them wet food

One major benefit of wet food is that it can help German Shepherds gain weight.

When dry dog food is the only option, Shepherds may have a difficult time consuming enough calories to support their energy needs and bulk up. Wet food is often more calorie-dense than dry food, so it can help these dogs pack on the pounds more easily.

In addition, many quality wet foods contain more animal protein than dry foods, which is an important nutrient for growing German Shepherds.

Take them to the vet

Vet visits help German shepherds gain weight by providing them with a nutritious diet and an exercise plan. By following it, your GSD will be able to reach its ideal weight in no time.

Maintain a Regular Workout Schedule

Physical activity helps German shepherds gain weight by preventing them from becoming obese. Obesity can lead to health problems such as joint pain, diabetes, and heart disease.

Exercise also helps keep German shepherds mentally stimulated, which can prevent boredom and destructive behaviors.

Include B Vitamins

B vitamins are essential for helping underweight German shepherds.

They help the body convert food into energy, which is necessary for proper metabolism and weight gain. Without adequate levels of B vitamins in regular meals, German shepherds may become malnourished and fail to gain weight.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is my dog so skinny even though he eats?

There are a few potential reasons why your dog may be skinny even though he eats.

One possibility is that he is not getting enough of the right nutrients from his food. Another possibility is that he has an underlying medical condition that is causing him to lose weight.

If you are concerned about your dog’s weight, it is best to speak with your veterinarian to get to the bottom of the issue.

Why does my German Shepherd look so thin?

There could be many reasons why your German shepherd looks thin. It could be due to a medical condition, such as an infection or parasite, or it could be that your dog isn’t getting enough food.

If you’re concerned about your dog’s weight, talk to your veterinarian to find out the cause and get treatment.

Should I be able to feel my German Shepherd’s ribs?

Yes, you should be able to feel your German shepherd’s ribs. If you can’t, it may be an indication that your dog is overweight and needs to lose a few pounds.

What should I feed my underweight German shepherd?

If your German Shepherd is underweight, you’ll need to be extra careful about what you feed him. 

You’ll want to make sure that he’s getting enough calories, but not too many. The best way to do this is to feed him a high-quality diet that’s specifically designed for German Shepherds.

One of the best diets for an underweight German Shepherd is Hill’s Science Diet Large Breed Puppy food. This food is packed with nutrients, protein sources, and calories, and it’s specifically designed for large breeds. It will help your German Shepherd gain weight safely and slowly. Another great option is the Royal Canin Giant Puppy food. 

If you’re not sure which food is best for your GSD, talk to your veterinarian. They can help you choose a diet that’s right for your dog’s individual needs.

 Final Thoughts

If your German Shepherd is looking a little thinner than usual, don’t worry – it’s probably just their natural build. However, if you’re concerned about your dog’s weight, make sure to talk to your veterinarian. 

They will be able to help you create a tailored feeding and exercise plan to help your pup put on some healthy weight.

What do you think?

Written by Jack

Jack is the founder of Germanshepherdsfamily, a german shepherds specific website where you'll find everything you need to know if you are a true lover of the German Shepherd breed!

Signs Your German Shepherd is Overweight

Signs Your German Shepherd is Overweight